
 emergence, 2022 information for parents and guardians


Date: Sunday the 13th of November.

Show times: 2.30PM and 4.30PM.

Duration: Both shows will run for less than 1-hour.

Dress and tech rehearsal: Before 2.30 show. Times vary per class (check your child’s class details below)

Theatre address: Dancehouse, 150 Princes St, Carlton North.

Parking: Street parking only. We recommend parking on Drummond St or Rathdowne St and walking over. Please allow time for parking.

Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?embed&eid=973938
Currently, you can purchase 3 tickets per performer maximum. On the 2nd of November, the limit will be removed and you can purchase additional tickets if available.

Health and safety: All groups have been allocated a backstage guardian (WWCC holder). Backstage guardians will supervise their group at all times and carry emergency contact details of all participants.

Please note: we have participants who are allergic to peanuts. To minimise risk, please ensure your child doesn’t bring any food containing peanuts to the theatre.

Click on your child’s class below to view further details including arrival time.